دليلك الى النجاح

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Women’s position + Personal values

Women’s position
Nowadays, we all notice that women’s position has greatly changed in society. Their efforts have been crowned by getting an equal position to men in all domains.
Women could not go to school and stayed with their parents at homes. Thus they were regarded illiterate and ignorant as well. Their jobs were looking after their husbands, cooking daily meals and washing dishes as machines. They were not allowed to vote and were under the authority of men.
Everything has now changed, women have become aware of the significance of education, and so they go to school and get good marks. More than that, they have been appointed teachers and directresses in great schools. Because of their strong struggles, women can share with men some political posts like working in courts as judges or lawyers. In addition to that, women wear whatever they love and go to cafés as men
All in all, the marginalization of women in the past led them to suffer a lot and live a difficult life. However, women struggled to show their existence in society and have finally got their rights as men.

Personal values
Personal values are one of the most important things in our life. This Life as we know it now wouldn’t be possible without personal values that regulate it. Indeed, the more values a person has the more respect and admiration she/he gets. For instance, people who value hard-work often end up being the most successful. I have never known a person who works hard and never succeeds in life. Likewise, honesty is another value that is key to success in life. Honest people earn the trust and reliability of others. They are valued for their honesty and truthfulness. Undoubtedly, there is nothing more rewarding than knowing people with such values as honesty and hard-work. With these people one can establish fruitful relationships that are to the advantage of everyone. True to say, honesty and hard-work are two cornerstones for a good and successful life.

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High technology


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