A / An / The
A / An : ( sing )x 1/ To refer to one of a group This is a pen <== 2/ Catégorising A rose is a flower <== A dog is an animal <== 3/ To refer to jobs He is a doctor <== 4/ Fixed expressions : a lot of / a bit / a little ...x 5/ To mention Something for the first time I met a man . The men is very tall<== I saw a cat . The cat was cute <== 6/ Exclamations What a beautiful picture !x <== This is a such an interresting film ! x <== |
THE :x 1/ To refer to something unique The sun is shinning <== The world is so small <== 2/ There is only one element you are talking about Your dinner is on the table <== Close the door , please <== 3/ When you talk about something already mentioned ... I saw a cat .The cat is <== 4/ When the word is defined by a clouse The girl who I told you about is in my class <== The teacher who gives Extra-Hour in Maths is my brother <== ( Who / Whose / Which / That ) 5/ With superlative Marrakech is the most beautiful city <== 6/ With double Comparative The more we have , The more we want <== 7/ With newspapers & magazines The TIMES <== 8/ Chains The ATLAS <== 9/ Hotels & Restaurants The Sherxton / The Niagara <== 10/ With some Countries The USA <== 11/ Catégories of people The deaf , The rich , The poor , The sick ....x <== 12/ A nation as a whole The English drink <== The French are known for their cuisine |